Monday 6 October 2008

The start of the year ( academic)

So, last week I started back at University, and although it's been busy it's gone reasonably well, apart from the fact that my life drawing class got canceled because there were not enough people and my Art History lecturer isn't working at the university anymore, so now instead of my class being on a Thursday afternoon it is on a Monday evening, 5pm till 7pm, and since there is no direct bus home from Sunderland at that time of night Simon has offered to take me home from Peterlee (Very nice of him) or I'll have to get 2 buses home, and probably not get home till 9 ish.

I'm preparing mainly for my trip up to Scotland where I'm planning to get lots of work done and visit lots of gallery's. My work will mainly focus on the places me and Simon walk to and the places we visit whilst we are there (castles, stately homes etc) I've bought a new camera especially for our trip! :) Last week and this week I've been focusing on my trip to Hong Kong and the harbour and will hopefully get some good photos up of them! I'm off now to go and get ready for University.
